Vanity is my favorite sin!

a southern belle's spot in the big city

Archive for the category “Moving On”

On Katy Perry Songs

Are you sick of my blogposts about songs yet? this is the last one for now, i promise..

in my previous post about Rihanna songs, i talked about an old flame, something that i never did before., but i felt like finally talking about the relationship is symbolic of me finally letting it go. of me finally moving on.

i realized i never really talked about how i moved on. for the first 3 months after it fizzled out and ended, i moped around like a sad little puppy missing its master. i was kinda hoping that we would get back together. it was pathetic, really, looking back. after that three months, i had to accept that that particular love story has come to an end. that there will never be a new chapter again. and i unwillingly went back to the dating scene, with the constant prodding of my girl friends here.

for a while, it seems to me all my nights were like this one:

until i met someone.

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